Yeah Yeah... This has been a 'sick-sad-world' as of late. But, according to Julie Andrews-> Why focus on 'unhappy'? But To> "♪ Simply Remember My Favorite Things... And Then I Don't feeeeeeel... SO Bad..."! ♫
I've recently visited some other people's blogs and noticed they post their "wish list". As if. Firstly, Who cares, right? & 2nd, does anyone ACtUALLY get them these things? Well, whatever that list & wish may be - and WHO may "GET IT FOR THEM"; remains a mystery. But I figure, 'Hey, if it works for them, it may work for Me!' - but I ain't holding my breath (because I'm not dreaming of a Prince On White Pony -pfft. Sorry girls, don't mean to burst your bubble gum). Aside from that, here is some really sweet designs I've been in possession over for some time. I'd thought it be fun to post this as "random thoughts". And whoever gifts Me with any of these possessions?–Ooh, Honey! ;)
from the collective works of Tobias Wong & one of the many helmets from the Vader Gallery – w00t! ;)