Is it me-? OR is this the CRAPPIEST SPRING EVER? Not that I'd ever looked forward to Spring OR Summer, but it's coming weather you like it or not. So, you ready for the sizzling heat? Let the tour guides at Penthouse Magazine warm-you-up with the COOLEST solution> From Gettin' EATEN-ALIVE ONLINE -TO- A GRILL w/OUT SEX -TO- Being RUDE at a NUDE. Trust me, your problems are Far More worse than theirs. Isn't it nice to know some peeps have it SO much easier than you? If these issues don't interest you, perhaps the pussies will. If you're not into either/or - Don't Ask, and We Won't Tell. Don't worry, that unemployment line wraps around the building too! =)
– enjOy f*Ck_U SPRING!