☐ Anyone Keeping Score?


Now, I know this isn't new drawings.. but who cares! They're quite appropriate for the moment - Eyaw man. and... ok, I know - It isn't fair, there are teams missing here, but I don't have all the time to kiLL either. If you don't know what teams are up against each other, then go Here. And if you're not into sports? who cares!

au revoir, Zidane. vous nous manquerez.

† 6 . 6 . 06


Just a doodle done on a gap time frame. And, NO.. I don't worship the devil, nor do I have any markings of 666 on me. But my family often says I am *special*, so I must be evil. Anyway, †he Omen ofcors, has always been one of my aLL tiMe favorites. And Damien: Omen II, well... that kid was just Hot! (Jonathan Scott-Taylor)
aNd.. how Ironic, being posted right after An Inconvenient Truth (Save Our PlaNet). Uh'hum, apparently, our worLd is falling apart right before our eyes..
– Destroy much?

Let him that hath
count the number
of the beast:
For it is the
number of a man;
and his number is
nowhere listed in
the directory.


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