When you are thinking about writing a book, you should first look at some writers software. This is specially written software for authors designed to help the would-be-writer create their first book. Turning your book idea into reality is a tough assignment and using some software to help you achieve this aim is a great idea, writing is tough enough, anyway to give yourself a boost should be taken with open arms.
Programs can help by providing checklists or recording details for characters, locations, plots etc. Having the ability to record details, which can be used later on in your story. The advantage of using writers software is that your data will be organized as opposed to on scraps of paper. No more lost bits of paper which have fallen down the back of a desk. No more post-it notes cluttering up your writing space. Finally you can organize yourself and your book for a better outcome.
By using writing software you can help maintain your creation of a fictional universe for your book. It is easy to destroy that universe for the reader by factual inaccuracies, so consistency is vitally important for authors. Don't forget that the scope of a book can be vast and your writing project may last for months or years. Even small seemingly trivial details, such as the colors of a character's eyes, maybe important later in the book.While software is an excellent idea to progress your novel, many authors still like the traditional notebook. A simple writer's notepad is portable, requires no power and fits in your pocket, ideal for carrying around to jot down ideas. These can then be incorporated into your story at a later date. The two are not mutually exclusive by any means.
You can take notes while you are out and about and then when you return home, take any relevant information and input into the software.Also nowadays with many cafes offering power and wifi to customers, an increasing number of authors can be seen idling, pontificating and typing for hours with the comfort of a warm cup of coffee to provide stimulus. Next time your in a cafe or a even a bookshop have a look at those laptop-toting latte drinkers around you, chances are somebody there is writing their book.
Many people try and write a book, yet fail to get started. Writing software helps eliminate the "blank page" syndrome, and can help build up the basis of your story. This outline will serve as the framework for your novel and is an important first step. Using writers software there is no need to get it perfect first time though as you can later edit it. Remember - journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.
Colin M